Most of the things and situations in our life and the whole world depends on hypothesis and scientific inquiry. A hypothesis is a type of assumption. scientific investigation is a type of method used by scientists to find out things about the environment and different things. Scientific research gives rise to ideas the way of something finds and delivers. It exists just a few steps. In the final stages of the scientific investigation provide a way to determine whether observations are true or not correct. There can be a broad interpretation of the hypothesis. scientific testing consists essentially of hypothetical observation, adjustment of critical experimental settings to test the hypothesis. Useful hypothesis tests depend on the reason. These reasons can be inductive thinking or deductive thinking.

A hypothesis is a type of assumption. We introduce or propose hypotheses in arguments. Usually, an acceptance is not permanent. It has a value and they support the argument. But sometimes the hypothesis can be true or false. In my view, it's kind of explanation of the phenomenon. If we posed a hypothesis according to scientific Steps we can call it a scientific hypothesis. Hypothesis is not a theory. hypothesis depends on observations. After longterm tests and after retesting, we can get a clear idea of the truthfulness of the hypothesis.

Scientific investigation is a type of method used by scientists to find out things about the environment and different things. We actually have to in the past use this method to find a correct way to solve it ask. Actually, it's part of science. Scientific request based on six steps. They ask for and start observing, researching the background. Make a hypothesis, organize an experiment, analysis and conclusion and reporting on the final results and make theories. Most scientific experiments and new inventions based on scientific inquiry. 

 Besides, it improves the ability to use too thought experiments to test hypotheses. In my life mostly when I am on a question I have used this method solve these questions. Actually, I didn't like using that like this step by step. But I used a method like right this way. Mostly there are scientific researches support and opportunity to solve my questions during the day live today. Actually, we use this in  childhood method. As a little girl many years ago, I use this scientific test method to find out how grasses turn yellow without sunlight.

Hypothesis has a prediction about reasoning. It is a Kind of ability to think logically in order to be rational Make decisions and justify a position. reasoning is combination with identification, analysis and evaluation of arguments. Inductive thinking is an Argumentation method in which the premises considered evidence but not complete certainty, the truth of the conclusion. Deductive reasoning, also deductive logic, is the process of reasoning from one or more statements in order to: a. to reach logical conclusion. Deductive thinking belongs in that same direction as that of the conditions and links premises with conclusions.

 The purpose of this  is to explore the hypothesis is a type of assumption. All can make assumptions according to their observations and questions. We can do scientific request for scientific solution to problems and our day today problems. The method of scientific research develops skills like data observation, conclusion, classification, prediction, measurement, questioning and interpretation. And there is a support to solve any kind of questions.
