Philosophy of science

Philosophy means love for knowledge or passion for leaning and every day life. Philosophy as a love of knowledge, an activity, a comprehensive pictures of the world and a guide to way of life. Philosophy concerns with deep, fundamental questions, from how best we should live our lives, to basic natural of the worlds we live. The aim of philosophy is not only necessarily to give the answer to the questions, but also rather to equip you with the right tools to perform our own investigation and discover the answer for our self.


Ethics, also called moral philosophy, the discipline concerned with what is morality good or evil morally right or wrong. The term is also applied to any system or theory of moral values and principles. This is nature and objective. However, people can have their own personal codes of ethics. Certain codes of ethics, as religious codes of ethics, apply only to members of select groups.

 There are examples of values everywhere in our daily lives. For example, if our value system is founded upon honesty, we would probably choose to study for a difficult test rather than cheating for a passing grade. However, if you value achievement and success over honesty, you may decide to cheat on the exam instead. They also help us make decisions that affect the course of our lives. When these values are shared by others in our community, they are known as moral.

Mind and body

The computer revolution may have given an impetus to discussion of the issue, but it surely didn't give birth to it. Deep personal reasoning and arguments for dualism provide a good starting point for looking at ourselves as physical bodies with mental lives.

Mind and body, it maintains, do not in fact casually affect each other at all; rather, it is God, causes bodily movements to occur on occasions of appropriate mental status for example,  volitions, and who causes mental states, such as sensations on that occasions of the corresponding bodily states for example, sensory stimulation. For example Body response when we in stress, happiness, angry etc.


It is a branch of philosophy studying the nature and the scope of knowledge. It focus on analyzing the nature of knowledge and how it relate to notions such as truths, beliefs and justifications. It also deal with the means of production of knowledge and skepticism about knowledge claims. It address the questions, "what is knowledge? ", "how is it acquired? ", and "what do people know?". 

Sometimes, when people say that they believe in something, what they mean is that they predict that it will prove to be useful or successful in some sense, perhaps someone may "belive in" their favourite cricket or football team.

In conclusion, philosophy is a study by processing of solving some characteristic problems through characteristic methods from attitude and arriving the result. Philosophy has one major goal is the development of the total intellect of a person or community and the realization of the human potential.  
