

I hope this, may understand that what philosophy is? And what are thing that we have to study in  philosophy. Every nation, culture, religion, community has it’s own idea of philosophical beliefs. This  discussion involves such intrapersonal actor as these lf and the body, along with interpersonal community, extending to how those material and immaterial factors render our reality, our physical and spiritual beliefs. Over this, these different elements will together in different patterns, increasing in scope. In the end this article, it will show how wisdom is witnessing, valuing, some ethics, what is the relationship between mind and body, what is logic? Too. Philosophy makes an important contribution to the educational institution through demands on intellectual functioning. Education in philosophy includes learning important figures and developments in philosophical history, learning updated techniques and accepted answers to philosophical questions, and important, interpretive and


  Most of the things and situations in our life and the whole world depends on hypothesis and scientific inquiry. A hypothesis is a type of assumption. scientific investigation is a type of method used by scientists to find out things about the environment and different things. Scientific research gives rise to ideas the way of something finds and delivers. It exists just a few steps. In the final stages of the scientific investigation provide a way to determine whether observations are true or not correct. There can be a broad interpretation of the hypothesis. scientific testing consists essentially of hypothetical observation, adjustment of critical experimental settings to test the hypothesis. Useful hypothesis tests depend on the reason. These reasons can be inductive thinking or deductive thinking. A hypothesis is a type of assumption. We introduce or propose hypotheses in arguments. Usually, an acceptance is not permanent. It has a value and they support the argument.


  As will become apparent, “scientific explanation” is a topic that raises a number of interrelated issues. Some background orientation will be useful before turning to the details of competing models. A presupposition of most recent discussion has been that science sometimes provides explanations (rather than something that falls short of explanation—e.g., “mere description”) and that the task of a “theory” or “model” of scientific explanation is to characterize the structure of such explanations.  It is thus assumed that there is (at some suitably abstract and general level of description) a single kind or form of explanation that is “scientific”. In fact, the notion of “scientific between explanations found in science and some forms of explanation found in ordinary, non￾scientific contexts. It is further assumed that it is the task of a theory of explanation to capture what is common to both scientific and some ordinary, non-scientific forms of explanation the task


  A person's sex is usually based on certain biological factors such as their reproductive organs, genes and hormones. A person's sex is usually based on certain biological factors such as their reproductive organs, genes and hormones Sex refers to the physical differences between a man, a woman, or an intersex person. A person usually assigns their gender at birth based on physiological characteristics, including genital and chromosome composition. This excluded gender is called a person's "normal sex". Sex refers to the set of biological characteristics in humans and animals. It is primarily related to physical and physiological features including chromosomes, genetic expression, hormone levels and function and reproductive / sexual anatomy. Sex is usually classified as female or male, but there is variation in biological characteristics that include gender and how those traits are expressed. Gender refers to socially constructed roles, behavior


  The concept of race is very important for the moral, social, political and legal philosophies, as well as for the history of philosophy and the philosophy of science. However, it has received less attention from analytical philosophers than many other important ideas. The concept of race is related to race, racism, social justice and differences in health and status. Yet most philosophers who write about race are concerned with issues related to racism and social justice, and ignore other questions about the application of this concept in science and public life. However, this notion leads to a variety of philosophical questions. Race is a kind of difference within our race. Western views of species can be found in relational and hereditary views of tribes, clans and lineages. In addition, practices such as slavery associated with later notions of human difference occurred in ancient Greece and Rome. However, the idea of race as a taxonomic or boundary system of hum

Philosophy of happiness

  Happiness, it is a word in this modern age. However, since the beginning of time, philosophers have continued the quest for happiness… After all, the purpose of life is not only to live, but to live ‘well’. The fundamental role of ‘philosophy’ is to ask questions and to think about the nature of human thought and the universe. Thus, a discussion of the philosophy of happiness in life can be seen as exploring the nature of happiness and what it means to the universe.  What is philosophical happiness? Philosophers ask some important questions about happiness: Can people be happy? If so, do they like it? Does this mean that if people have the desire to be happy and the ability to be happy, they should continue to be happy for themselves and others? If they can, they want to, they should be happy, but how will they achieve this goal? Philosophers have been inquiring about happiness since ancient times.  Aristotle, when asked ‘what is the ultimate purpose of human existenc


  Evidence is an important source of knowledge in many contexts, including education, but considering the teacher as a witness is often not discussed. Most of what individuals believe comes from accepting the accounts of others, not from their own direct experience, and the credibility of their speakers' testimony is an important factor in determining whether they are spoken, in text or in electronic form. They do not receive real, reasonable beliefs. Certification credibility is a combination of skill and honesty, both of which are high when an author testifies in his or her area of expertise. But in the world beyond the classroom, there are situations in which the testimonial competence or honesty is low, so it is important for the learner to have an intellectual-virtuous, well-coordinated attitude toward testimony. In philosophy, testimony is a concept based on the knowledge base of an organization (person or group) to another organization, either orally or in writing or by faci